Keeping in touch

EDITED Wednesday 10th November 2021, 9.30 pm SFH

Keeping our distance, Kingsweston House, 24th October 2020

Keeping in touch while keeping our distance

Near the start of lockdown, Sue Hazelden started sending a series of emails in the hope of informing, entertaining and educating members, and this will continue for as long as needed. 

If you are not receiving these emails and would like to do so, please contact Christine Moore, our secretary, and ask her to add you to our MailChimp list. 

Links to each email appear below, with the most recent first. They have been moved from the News Page to allow recent news to show up better!

Something very strange happened to this page and everything disappeared. Hopefully I can get it back again … but for now, forgive me if I just give links and not summaries!

A New Walking Year

Autumn 2021: a new walking year  (30th October)

Spring into Summer

August 2021  (6th August)

Spring into Summer 04  (18th June)

Spring into Summer 03  (18th May)

Spring into Summer 02  (3rd May)

Spring into Summer 01  (20th April)

Onward and upward

At the end of summer, this seemed the appropriate sentiment for the next series of emails, and it kept us going through the winter. 

Onward and Upward 10 – it’s not over yet!  (14th March)

Onward and Upward 09 – Keep right on keeping going!  (17th February) reported on the quiz, and signs of Spring! There was advice on how to make the most of your vaccination, and the Zoe Covid Symptoms App. Our chairman described a very muddy walk, and there were several suggestions for walks and new maps to try out. Belatedly, there was Edinburgh’s Hogmanay and a couple of more amusing clips, more on Bristol Older People’s Forum, and some delightful nature webcams. 

Onward and Upward 08 – Keep on keeping going! (28th January) reported sightings of Daleks in Sea Mills and Parakeets all over the UK, and gave a reminder of the Countryside Code. There was more information on avoiding scams, mention of the Zoe Covid Symptoms App, and two Radio Four programmes – ‘More or Less’ and ‘How to Vaccinate the World’. From the first Bristol Bridges walk (a year ago) came a photo of sunshine up ahead, and details of Vitaminds. 

Onward and Upward 07 – Keep Going! (18th January) reported on our New Year Zoom, advertised the Big Garden Birdwatch, and brought the Hallelujah Chorus, a Bellini opera, and origami. There was also advice on avoiding scams; services offered by local shops; and information on Bristol Older People’s Forum.

Onward and Upward 06 (30th December and 1st January) reminded you of dates for 2021, brought some local nature snippets, and where you can find Gerry Andersen material online. The reminder about the New Year Zoom meeting included a picture of our tree by the Trym.

Onward and Upward 05 (20th December) included a message of hope from your committee, dates for your 2021 diary, some practicalities for Christmas, and a few seasonal entertainment suggestions. 

Onward and Upward 04 (30th November) announced that group walks could restart! There was news from the committee and dates for your diary. As it was the first day of Advent there were some explicit references to Christmas, including mention of the St Peter’s Hospice online Christmas market. Our nature link featured some archive footage of Bennett’s Patch and Whites Paddock.

Onward and Upward 03 (15th November) had far too many links, but leaving that aside, there was humour, spectacle and memories, both of our 2019 Weekend and of other weekends. On a serious note, one link was to the Wellbeing and Coping website, worth a visit whether you are coping well or not. Some of the links were to more shopping without shops and takeaways, and a picture of a rhino in Clifton Village brightened the screen.

Onward and Upward 02 (3rd November) included a report of our AGM, more nature, and entertainment (including Olive and Mabel again). We were reminded of the Slow Ways project, now at the stage where test walkers are needed. With lockdown very close, shopping without shops and takeaways featured, plus the news that many Allied Health Professionals would be able to remain open for business.  

Onward and Upward 01 (14th October) previewed our AGM on Zoom, a backstage tour of the Old Vic, and street theatre. There were jokes, and nature clips: perhaps we knew what was coming … 

Enjoying Summer Safely

The third and final Enjoying Summer Safely email (30th September) is here. You received a preview of membership renewals being sent out, and initial AGM details. We have confirmed dates for the 2021 Away Break (obviously, as much as any dates can be confirmed) and details of how to book. On a lighter note, there were new words to a Gilbert and Sullivan classic, a reminder about the Proms, some wonderful nature videos, and a book about interesting places in Bristol. 

The second Enjoying Summer Safely email (3rd September) is here, with its update (4th September) here. We highlighted how to find out about walks on offer and book them, and the photos. For those unable to get out, there was an alternative to Joe Wicks, and news of the National Garden Scheme’s virtual garden tours. Photos of ‘our’ tree were accompanied by some dreadful jokes, and the news that our AGM will probably be online (it is). The update shared news of Doors Open Weekend and Bristol Museums re-opening, plus some more from Olive and Mabel … 

Our first Enjoying Summer Safely email (9th August) is here. It featured an update from your committee, and a request for those who had booked on the Away Weekend in 2020 to let David know what you would like to do with your deposit. We also previewed AGM plans, and proposed changes to our constitution. Our Walks Coordinator requested walks to add to our programme, and on the walking front there were tips on coping in hot weather, and ticks. I mentioned face coverings (again), and some book recommendations, including The book of Hopes which I find absolutely delightful. 

Corona Virus – coping with isolation

Corona Virus – coping with isolation 10 (20th June) is here. There were some interesting walks in the BS9 magazine and we encouraged you to keep thinking about local walks. We featured Bristol Swifts, previewed the St Pauls Carnival and mentioned the Bristol Arts Channel, opera and theatre from around the world and Live from the Drive-In. We had news of Mabel and Olive’s book deal, and Mabel’s Dream. For history lovers, there was a book recommendation on a local property NOT selected for A House Through Time: Saints, Crooks and Slavers. I gave you more about masks (including an amusing video clip), and a gardening tip. And there was news of local shops now open for business and a handy diagnosis tool for differentiating hayfever from Covid19.

June 2020 Newsletter (11th June)we interrupted the Coping with Isolation emails to bring you a newsletter, sent by post to members who don’t receive emails. You can find it here

Corona Virus – coping with isolation 9 (25th May) is here. We previewed the Newsletter (see above), asked you to think about local walks you might be able to lead, and requested photos of your local walks. The Chelsea Flower Show, 30 Days of Wild, A House Through Time  and Daily Hope were promoted, and we had an update on the Slow Ways Project. I reported progress on masks, and noted that it was possible to join the library online, giving access to the dictionary of surnames and many many other useful resources. 

Corona Virus – coping with isolation 8 (16th May) is here. We corrected the links for Olive and Mabel and Davina’s quiz, and had links to webcams of various nesting birds. Steve gave us a post pub story, and we found that Bristol featured in the Rough Guide’s Top Ten Virtual Tourist Destinations. I’d tried making a face mask from a t-shirt (epic fail) and offered some gardening tips. For culture, there were online film festivals.

Corona Virus – coping with isolation 7 (6th May) is here. There were some very bad jokes, and a quiz (either terrifying or entertaining) from Davina; a couple of apps to help with stress and anxiety; and a cautionary walking tale. We finished with more tips on Zoom; a little bit for Sports fans (which included Mabel and Olive, although that link did not work); and details of the Council’s regular updates on Corona Virus. 

Corona Virus – coping with isolation 6 (29th April) is here. Noting that we had been unable to hold our Spring Social, we moved on to Long Walks from Colonel Tom Moore and Frank Mills; a report on The Slow Ways; World Walking and Walk to Mordor; with Joe Wicks and his 10 minute sessions for seniors for those confined to home or in need of more. I also offered help with haircuts and how to look good on camera (please don’t take me too seriously!) I’d found some local books, and culture included English National Ballet, Shakespeare at the Globe, and a reminder of the National Theatre at Home. Finally we had poetry from Max Boyce and Pam Ayres. 

Corona Virus – coping with isolation 5 (22nd April) is here. We featured a walking ‘opportunity’ The Slow Ways (mapping walking routes between major towns and cities); OS maps featuring one hour walks; a stroll through the Brooklyn Botanic Garden; a book recommendation; hairdressing tips; something for sports fanatics and some moneysaving links; and tours of Frank Lloyd Wright houses. 

Coping with isolation 4 (17th April) is here. We’ve added some photos to the April photos page (and will add more if they are sent to us); Birdsong Opera and going on Safari; some book recommendations; how to fill the sporting void; A Sonnet A Day; Sydney Opera House; Beethoven’s 5th and La Linea TV cartoons. 

Coping with isolation 3 (8th April) is here, with a link to sounds of nature, and the news that it’s the next best thing to getting into the fresh air. Also a map of local shops offering online delivery, programmes from The Royal Opera House and The Shows Must Go On, and Juggling. 

Coping with isolation 2 (1st April) is here. Highlights included online performances from the National Theatre, a tour of Parliament and the local Quarantine Choir. Also a photo of ‘our tree’ by the Trym, and a swan. 

Coping with isolation, the first of these email we sent out (26th March) is here. The main highlights was Joe Wicks Keep Fit classes (other Keep Fit options are available).  

Corona Virus – as time goes by

At the start of March we sent out our Spring newsletter. What a difference a month makes.

Our first statement on 15th March hoped that with sensible precautions we could Carry On Walking, and we were reviewing our other special events. You can read what we said here.

By 18th March we realised that walks were off, and imminent special events were looking unlikely. You can read about that here

As we realised that this situation wasn’t going away in a hurry, we started the Coping with Isolation emails! We hope you are enjoying them.